Channel: {+} miwitch {+}
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Collect & Shop for Your Favourite Items with ShopperBoard + Christmas Giveaway

Hey everyone~ 
Do you guys ever had problems such as forgetting the item that you initially wanted to purchase on the internet? Or opened up too many tabs during online shopping and lost track of what you were actually looking for? Or worst, bookmarked too many items in your favourites and couldn't find the url of that one thing you decided to buy?
Well, today I'm going to introduce you guys a new & cool website that can solve all these problems and it is the ShopperBoard!

ShopperBoard not only helps me to collect/favourite the items I like, but also comes with a price tag beside each of them so I can shop for them later!
Instead of storing the item urls in my favourites and reading just texts, with ShopperBoard I can view every item photos at one glance and categorize them into different boards for a better, simpler shopping experience. ^,~

How to?
Ok here's how ShopperBoard works..
First, sign up at ShopperBoard. You can link it to your Facebook account too so that you can share your items or boards onto your FB timeline with your fellow friends.

A screen cap of the main page when logged in.

Before I start collecting any items from shopping websites, I'll need to add the BoardButton to my favourites/bookmark bar.
Click the +Add at top right corner beside the profile picture and this will pop-up. Then drag the "+Add to Board" blue button to the Favourite/Bookmark bar.
(More about using BoardButton)

Like shown below, the "+Add to Board" button is in my Bookmarks bar. When I enter a shopping website, I can click that button to add any item I want into my ShopperBoard account.

Here's an example.
I want to collect this Mermaid Tights to my ShopperBoard account. First, I enter into the item page.

Then click the "+Add to Board" button and many pictures will pop-up like shown below..

Click one of the image I want to collect, and another window like this will pop-up. I create a new board name Legwear (because I love legwear so I dedicated a board just for all these beautiful leggies ^,^) and hashtag the brand name along with other keywords and then click "Save to ShopperBoard".

After saving, it'll bring me to this where I'll key in the price and save it under a certain category.

And here's my Legwear Board which shows all the beautiful leggies I'd collected from several US,  Europe and Japanese shopping sites.

Anything that I collect in ShopperBoard are shoppable which means I can click "BUY" and it'll direct link to the item page. This way, I will not lose track of any items that I want buy in the future.
Besides just collecting and buying, there are other things I can do in ShopperBoard too like clicking the shop title (For eg, the link shown below "shopserve.jp") and it'll show all items saved under this shop.
Clicking on the hashtag link brings me to other items that are saved under the same hashtag name.
Lastly, I can also Save someone else's items to my own board to make my board look more beautiful... or to shop for it later. Lolx~
Everyone in ShopperBoard can interact with each other too by @-ing their names in the comments, just like how it works in other social media platforms. ^_^

miwitch's Boards
I collect all the beautiful stuffs from accessories to designers' apparels and I also categorize some of the Japanese fashion into Lolita & Gothic. I will be creating more boards as I collect more items like say Punk, Aristocrat, Victorian etc.
If you like to see the items I favourited, you can either Follow me or just Follow the specific Board that I'd created. ^_^

I definitely will keep on adding more legwear stuffs since I really really love buying them! I had tons of totally new and unworn still sitting at a corner of my room.. lolx~
There're many skincare and makeup reviews in my blog so you may wondering why there is only 1 item in my makeup board, that's because I shop more of fashion stuffs online than makeup. I usually get my makeup through counters, drugstores or get them through CP. Unless there's a spree that I wish to join then I'll probably shop online. ^_^
Besides all these items that I'd shown you, there are over 10,000+ other cool products that are already saved in ShopperBoard by other shoppers and over 400+ stores and favourite hashtags. What's even more exciting is that there's a mobile app coming out soon too!~
To learn more about ShopperBoard, you can refer to their FAQs and Shopper's Guide for more details.

ShopperBoard Christmas Giveaway
Now that you'd learnt how ShopperBoard works, here's something awesome for you guys! A Christmas Giveaway by ShopperBoard!

How to join the Giveaway?
1) Like ShopperBoard Facebook Page
2) Like & Share the contest post. Tagging your friends in the comments section is optional but doing that gives you +1 chances (up to max. 10 friends)
3) Sign up for your FREE account on www.shopperboard.com
4) Create a Board titled exactly “ShopperBoard Christmas 2013” without the brackets. If it’s misspelt, ShopperBoard might not be able to find your Board for judging.
5) Save AT LEAST SIX (6) of your favourite items into that Board (you can re-save from others on ShopperBoard OR be original and add items from any online store using the BoardButton)
6) Hashtag your items #christmas so others can discover your wish list as well!

Here's one of the items I'd saved to my ShopperBoard Christmas 2013 board with the #christmas hashtag.

If you already have an existing Board that you feel can serve as your Christmas wishlist, simply change its title to "ShopperBoard Christmas 2013".
(More about editing Board title)
Here's my Christmas board and the items I really wish to get! Well.. again all leggies! lolx~

Giveaway Prizes
3 shoppers who have the most creative and beautiful Christmas Boards will win EVERYTHING** in it!
**Each winner will be given up to SGD$100 each to spend on buying their favourite items inside the Christmas Board. ShopperBoard Santa will then personally deliver your wish list to your house!

Bonus +1 Chance
1) SHARE your Christmas Board URL on your Facebook and @mention ShopperBoard Facebook page in the post, stating: “I want to win everything in my ShopperBoard for Christmas!” (Remember to set to PUBLIC if not they can’t see it)

2) INSTAGRAM a screenshot of your Christmas Board and tag @shopperboard for them to find you. Also include the text “I want to win everything in my ShopperBoard for Christmas!

A mysterious blogger will judge the Christmas Boards giveaway.
(Read more about the Giveaway @ ShopperBoard)

What are you waiting for? Create an account @ Shopperboard now~ ^_~ Oh yes, I forgot to mention that it is NOT limited only to Singapore! ShopperBoard is for everyone! So come on friends, give me a chance to follow your board & share your favourite stuffs with me! ^,^

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ShopperBoard Christmas Giveaway

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